GUS Programmer's Digest Thu Jun 24 00:07 Volume 2: Issue 18 Today's Topics: Gravis/FORTE - Please read this!!! Patch files. Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 23 Jun 93 15:11:12 EDT From: (Hansye S. Dulimarta) Subject: Gravis/FORTE - Please read this!!! Message-ID: <> Hello all, I've been very happy with the GUS card that I bought last month. So far, I've tried the demo files that came with the 2.06L disks and enjoyed listening to them. I thought, it's time for me to write a program that will enhance my MIDI keyboard. The project that I have in mind is to make my computer as the second keyboard. For this to work, I need a program that read the MIDI port and let the GUS play the note using the patch file I want. This is what I'm doing: Using the information in the file PATCH.H in the SDK documentation, I was able to write a program that reads a patch file and parses the data in it. Then, using the function UltraDownload, the program downloaded the sample waveform to the GUS DRAM, and then UltraVoiceOn is called. sound came out of my speaker. Could anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Also, a lot of fields in the PATCHDATA structure are still fuzzy to me. For instance I don't know the meaning of the following fields: fractions, tune, envelope_rate, envelope_offset, tremolo_*, vibrato_*, modes, scale_frequency, and scale_factor. As you can see, almost all fields in the structure are unclear to me. I appreciate if some GUS programmers or John Smith would answer my questions. Happy GUS programming... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jun 93 02:26:34 EDT From: (Hansye S. Dulimarta) Subject: Patch files. Message-ID: <> Hello GUS-SDK readers, I'd like to have a discussion about GUS patch files. The only source that explains them was found in PATCH.H (with unsolved puzzle here and there). First of all: does anybody know the exact format of a PATCH file? My guess is that for a single instrument, single layer, and single wave the format is: HILPW where H=PATCHHEADER, I=INSTRUMENTDATA, L=LAYERDATA, P=PATCHDATA, W=sample wave. For multiple sample waves, I guess that the format is HILPWPW....PW could somebody confirm this? How about multiple layers / instruments. Does anybody have a better documentation on GUS patch files. Hans. ------------------------------ End of GUS Programmer's Digest V2 #18 ************************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP sites: pub/pc/ultrasound systems/msdos/ultrasound Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (UNIX, OS/2, GUS-MIDI, etc.)