Metropoli BBS files -


NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

15.ZIP 06-Jul-1994 00:00 171K15 Minute Shit by Necros
ASCENT.ZIP 13-Apr-1995 00:00 557KAscent of the Cloud Eagle by Necros / FM
DECEMBER.ZIP 01-Mar-1988 00:00 298KDecember by Necros
DIMENSIO.ZIP 18-Apr-1994 00:00 134KDimension 2012
ENERGIA.ZIP 01-Mar-1996 00:00 268KEnergia by Necros
ETERNITY.ZIP 17-Jun-1994 00:00 261KEternity by Necros
FEEDBACK.ZIP 10-Dec-1995 00:00 97KFeedback by Necros
FM-MECH8.ZIP 08-Jun-1996 00:00 461Kmechanism eight - necros
FM-PROG.ZIP 21-Jul-1995 00:00 1.9M∙··-··++-·-+-·--+-+·-+++-+-·∙

·   P R O G R E S S I O N   ·

│ ∙  A new music disk by  ∙ │
| * (-+-)  Necros   (-+-) * |
│ ∙ FM / LD / Straylight  ∙ │
│  Contact:  │
|       All new songs!      |
· GUS/SB/WSS/PAS 22 July 95 ·
∙· -- -+ ---+++--+-- -- ---·∙
FM-SCRAP.ZIP 15-Sep-1995 00:00 423K┌──══════════════════──┐

 'skyscraper i love you'
     originally by

  remixed by necros/fm

  16 chan .s3m / 5:50
         F  M
  R  E  L  E  A  S  E
HYPER3.ZIP 03-Jan-1995 00:00 322KHyperControl v3.0
ICE4.ZIP 02-Mar-1994 00:00 245KIce River v4.0 by Necros
INFINITY.ZIP 04-Aug-1994 00:00 335Kinfinity by Necros & Khyron
INTROSP.ZIP 03-Jan-1995 00:00 211KIntrospection by Necros
K-BUGS.ZIP 07-Jan-1995 00:00 400KBugs in my head by Necros / FM
KLF_ARCA.ZIP 08-Aug-1994 00:00 216KArcadia by Necros
LIGHT.ZIP 22-Jun-1994 00:00 205KPenetrating Light by Necros
MIST.ZIP 07-Apr-1994 00:00 233KCastle of the Mists by Necros
MYSTIC.ZIP 22-May-1994 00:00 238KMysticism by Necros
POSSESS.ZIP 05-Jul-1994 00:00 789Kby Necros
POWER.ZIP 06-Apr-1994 00:00 229KAtomic Power by Necros
REALIZE.ZIP 05-Jun-1994 00:00 209KRealization by Necros
REALIZE2.ZIP 21-Mar-1995 00:00 285K┌·─· ·──· ·─·───═──═─·────··───·┐
║  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄    1  ║
│ █████▀▀▀▀▀ █████████████      │
· █████████  ███▌▐███▌▐███   9
│ █████      ███  ███  ███      │
║ █████      ███  ███  ███   9  ║
│ ▀▀▀▀▀      ▀▀▀  ▀▀▀  ▀▀▀      │
│ ──· ·──· ·────· ·─··─· ·─┐ 5  ·
│  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- └──· ·
│  R e a l i z a t i o n   I I  ║
·  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ║
·     9 track .S3M -*- 5:23     │
│  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ·
║ ·■ Composed by Necros / FM ■· ║
║  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - │
│  Our first release for 1995!  ·
│                               │
└──·─══─·─═·──·─· ·─·─═══─·─══─·┘
REVELATN.ZIP 17-Feb-1996 00:00 541KRevelation by Necros / FM
STARS.ZIP 12-Oct-1993 00:00 130KStarlit Deception by Necros