Name | Last modified | Size | Description |
10SORMI3.ZIP | 16-Jun-1997 00:00 | 267K | Kymppisormi 3.2 (shareware) Monipuolinen kymmensormi- jarjestelman opetusohjelma. - Ohjattu opiskelu - Viisi hauskaa pelia - Autom. virheanalyysi (c) TMP Software 1997 |
CAPSLOCK.ZIP | 10-Sep-1993 00:00 | 1.0K | CapsLock Utility |
ETSIKEYB.ZIP | 04-Sep-1991 00:00 | 34K | Näppäimistön muokkaaja dossiin. Muuta esim. shift-4:n paikalle $. |
EXC30.ZIP | 29-Sep-1993 00:00 | 61K | Versatile non-resident key stuffer / faker |
FIXCR13.ZIP | 15-Mar-1996 00:00 | 5.9K | FixCR v1.3 - This little utility coverts ascii #10 characters to ascii #13+#10 characters and vice versa. *Aslo 7/8-bit conversions* |
FLASH120.ZIP | 04-Mar-1992 00:00 | 6.1K | FlashLED - TSR shows harddrive activity light on keyboard LED's |
HKDEV10.ZIP | 10-Feb-1995 00:00 | 26K | Function key TSR ... HOTKEY DEVIL v1.0 |
KDN102.ARJ | 06-Aug-1994 00:00 | 12K | KOHDISTIN 1.02. Sets keyboard repeat rate. |
N-BUFFER.ZIP | 10-Mar-1993 00:00 | 1.2K | näppispuskuri, josta puhuin, ladataan configissa, device=kbdbuf.sys jossa koko määrittää uuden näppispuskurin koon! |
OBBUF.ZIP | 01-Sep-1994 00:00 | 13K | 255 character keyboard buffer /w sources |
PC-TOUCH.ZIP | 11-Feb-1998 00:00 | 41K | PC-TOUCH, typing tutor to help you practice touch-typing and keep track of how well you are doing. Basic source code included. |
PTM229R.ZIP | 25-Nov-1995 00:00 | 225K | DOS Phantom 2.9r Task Automator/Scheduler/Key Recorder - Record keyboard tasks for later playback. Edit recordings. |
SFT2ENT.ZIP | 07-Jul-1993 00:00 | 750 | TSR, joka muuttaa oikean puoleisen shift näppäimen enteriksi. |
STCKEY4H.ZIP | 04-Oct-1994 00:00 | 127K | Stackey 4.0. Key stuffer & tark linker. |
STFKEY41.ZIP | 10-Oct-1992 00:00 | 80K | Keyboard stuffer & key faker with sources Tricks out about any menu driven program and comes straight to the point |
U-KEYB10.ZIP | 27-Apr-1994 00:00 | 33K | Underwear KEYBoard utilities v1.0 |