Metropoli BBS files -


NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

3DICA21.ZIP 10-May-1997 00:00 212K3d-ohjelmoinnin perusopas (c) Ica/2 1996, 1997. Käsitellyt asiat: vektorit, 2d->3d, 3d-pyöritykset, matriisitekniikka, polygonit, gouraud, texturemappaus, z-sort, z-buffer, bsp-puu, s-buffer, flat shade, env-mappaus, phong illuminating, hidden face removal, frameskip, ym. Selvää soome kiält, mukana TP-esimerkkiohjelmia yo. aiheista. Ica/2 suosittelee! CareWarea maksa jos jaksat.
3DICA211.ZIP 28-Jul-1997 00:00 216K3d-ohjelmoinnin perusopas (c) Ica/2 1996, 1997. Käsitellyt asiat: vektorit, 2d->3d, 3d-pyöritykset, matriisitekniikka, polygonit, gouraud, texturemappaus (lineaarisella interpoloinnilla ja perspektiivikorjauksella), z-sort, z-buffer, bsp-puu, s-buffer, flat shade, env-mappaus, phong illuminating, backface culling, (eräänlainen) view cone, frameskip, ym. Selvää soome kiält, mukana
3DROTSRC.ZIP 26-Mar-1993 00:00 23K3d rotaatiota asmille.
3DSCAPE.ZIP 13-Oct-1993 00:00 24KFractal Landscape Demo SOURCE CODE INCLUDED
3DSTARS.ZIP 07-Sep-1993 00:00 17KPascal source codes for rotating STarS [1/1]
3DS_08.ZIP 17-May-1995 00:00 3.9K3d Studio File Format - document revision 0.8 by J.Pitts
3DTUNNEL.ZIP 06-Jul-1995 00:00 8.1K3d texture mapped tunnel effect documentation by Il vatar / NL
3DVECT39.ZIP 30-Oct-1994 00:00 374KÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³3D Vector Engine,By John McCarthy. Polygon³ ³Routines, Gouraud Shading. Make Your Own³ ³Objects, Xmode Mouse, Mix Vectors With³ ³Bitmaps, 3d Math, Variable Sized Bitmaps³ ³Multiple Objects, Full 3d Matrix Rotation³ ³User Defined Clipping, IRQ Driven Movement³ ³Make Your Own Vector Demo. Uses Any Xmode³ ³Runs in Protected Mode. All in 100_³ ³Assembler! Protected Mode Header by TRAN³
3D_MATH.ZIP 19-Mar-1994 00:00 17KTXT - Math for 3D Rotations by Lithium /VLA
4P322.ZIP 01-Mar-1996 00:00 256KProgrammers Processor Power Pack. Intel Pentium optimization info and samples.
4P_V331.ZIP 01-Jun-1996 00:00 336K# (C) Christian Ludloff # # # (M) 07/1994 (P) 01.06.1996 # # (V) 4p_V331.ZIP v3.3.1 PROGRAMMER's PROCESSOR POWER PACKAGE You really need this if you're writing optimized code for the Intel ipentium! The package contains all secrets about the news inside the i586 including the undocumented things. Also you get easy access to the 'Performance Monitoring' using the included TSR called STAT, so you can improve your own code for
6X86CLIP.ZIP 04-Apr-1997 00:00 4.3KCyrix/IBM 6x86 Clip v1.0a Use any Clipper program on your Cyrix/IBM 6x86. (C) Copyright 1997 Igor Hakszer
32DE_015.ZIP 10-Jun-1995 00:00 91K32-bit DOS-Extender v0.15 (C) Sami Kantoluoto
386INTEL.ZIP 27-Sep-1992 00:00 213K386 intel docs
486DA022.ZIP 14-May-1995 00:00 24K486 DisAssembler v0.22: - New: 'mov eax,ds'-bug fix. (or 'mov e??,?s'-bug fix - All 486-instructions. - Floating point support. - For Assembler coders (or for anyone). - _Full_ sources included. -
1216REF2.ZIP 16-Dec-1988 00:00 173Klost+found
A86V401.ZIP 05-Mar-1995 00:00 174KA86 macro assembler, V4.01 updated with INCLUDE files, listings, no limit on size of source files, fwd refs in complex expressions, END operand, default ORG END in DATA SEGMENT, and more! Contains info about A386/D386. From Eric Isaacson Software.
ACKKIT.ZIP 20-Jun-1993 00:00 153KACK toolkit for creating 3D adventures.
ADLIBDOC.LZH 10-Dec-1990 00:00 22KAdlib documents
ADLIP.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 131KSome ADLIB sources
ADVMSDOS.ZIP 01-Oct-1988 00:00 52KSource codes from Advanced Dos programming
ANIM_CEL.ZIP 26-Sep-1994 00:00 9.4KThe ANIM IFF Format for CEL Animations - 4 May 1988
ANIVGA.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 162KTurbo Pascal 6.0 unit for making GFX
ANMFORMT.ZIP 23-Aug-1991 00:00 22KDeluxePaint Animation (ANM) file format + sample code
APISHARE.ZIP 26-Sep-1994 00:00 18KEx of shared task memory using DV API library
API_EXAM.ZIP 26-Sep-1994 00:00 160KEx programs using DV API libraryview window
APLSE.TXT 25-Oct-1998 00:00 1.1KFrom Fri Nov 17 19:10:22 APL-SE -ohjelmointikielen readme
APLSE.ZIP 02-May-1995 00:00 208KFreeware APL -ohjelmointikieli DOS-alustalle
APPNOTE.ZIP 25-Jan-1993 00:00 12KGeneral file format of ZIP 2.x archives by pkware
ASCIITBL.ZIP 26-Sep-1994 00:00 8.2KASCII table for DESQview using DV API library
ASM2.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 44KSource code(assembly)
ASNIP30A.ZIP 15-Feb-1997 00:00 1.1MThis is the new Assembly Snippets, including the original Fido 80xxx Snippets, the asm0-Z collection, and LOTS of new code! Contains over 140,000 lines of code. Collected by Tenie Remmel.
ASNIP30B.ZIP 15-Feb-1997 00:00 1.2MThis is the new Assembly Snippets, including the original Fido 80xxx Snippets, the asm0-Z collection, and LOTS of new code! Contains over 140,000 lines of code. Collected by Tenie Remmel.
ASNIP30C.ZIP 15-Feb-1997 00:00 748KThis is the new Assembly Snippets, including the original Fido 80xxx Snippets, the asm0-Z collection, and LOTS of new code! Contains over 140,000 lines of code. Collected by Tenie Remmel.
AWE32PRG.ZIP 04-Oct-1995 00:00 36KThe Sound Blaster awe32 Programming Guide By Vince Vu/Judge Dredd
AWEDIP.ZIP 04-Jul-1994 00:00 763KSound Blaster AWE32 - Developer's info pack.
BAPC_232.ZIP 05-Dec-1997 00:00 293K> basspasc v2.32 (C) 1996-97, ESP-Team < Thi is a mixed programming language. It based on Assembly, and contains BASIC, C, PASCAL, and some PERL command. It creates an .ASM output, that you can compile then with TASM. For example you can use CASE, FOR-NEXT, IF-THEN, FILEOPEN, etc...... ==============================[Dec '97]==
BAPC_V23.ZIP 17-Aug-1997 00:00 242K> basspasc v2.3 (C) 1996-97, ESP-Team < This is a mixed programming language. It based on Assembly, and contains BASIC, C, PASCAL, and some PERL command. It creates an .ASM output, that you can compile then with TASM. For example you can use CASE, FOR-NEXT, IF-THEN, FILEOPEN, etc......... ==============================[Oct '97]==
BASICDOC.ZIP 10-May-1995 00:00 7.2K- Vulture Proudly Presents A MODE-13h documentary The basics of the standard vgamode explained in detail. For all ya starting gfx-coders Version 1.0 I'M sick of doubt
BBS-GHPC.ZIP 12-Feb-1995 00:00 65K===============bloodbrothers!============== GUS HPC-HelpKit v. 0.85 for helppc. - Must for all REAL GUS coders. (If you're programming with SDK, you aren't REAL)
BGITPC.ZIP 25-Nov-1992 00:00 250KBorland BGI Graphic Driver V1.0 for Turbo Pascal & Turbo C & designer for create your own BGI Drivers
BICSF.ZIP 04-May-1993 00:00 11KBICSF - Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound File system (music)
BLASTER.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 128KSB programing. Examples / info.
BLOOD.ZIP 10-Mar-1994 00:00 5.1KPascal source of a blood rain
BLUECOMP.ZIP 12-Aug-1996 00:00 55Kzip Bluestone 32-bit compiler like pascal Bluestone 32-bit compiler version 1.0 New game making programming language with file, memory and modex functions included. Uses Tran's dos extender and Matt Pritchard's modex
BMP.ZIP 16-Jul-1993 00:00 5.1KBMP (bitmap) graphics file format specification
BOBSEDIT.ZIP 26-Dec-1992 00:00 32KCreate/edit bobs and vetorballs 4 demos etc
BUBBLE.ARJ 05-Jul-1992 00:00 74Klost+found
BWDEV201.ZIP 18-Jan-1994 00:00 40Kzip Blue Wave Offline Mail System Mail Packet File Structures 2.01
BWSB102F.ZIP 24-Dec-1994 00:00 515KÿÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÿÿ ÄÿBWSBÿv1.02ÿPUBLICÿSHAREWAREÿRELEASEÿÄÿ ÿÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÿÿ ÿBells,ÿWhistles,ÿandÿSoundÿBoardsÿisÿaÿ newÿprogrammingÿlibraryÿforÿaddingÿ100_ÿ digitalÿmusicÿandÿsoundÿeffectsÿtoÿyourÿ gamesÿandÿÿdemos.ÿThisÿisÿaÿ30ÿdayÿtestÿ driveÿversionÿofÿtheÿlibraryÿwithÿaÿsixÿ channelÿlimitÿandÿsoundÿeffectÿÿplayingÿ disabled.ÿÿAllÿmusicÿandÿsoundÿroutinesÿ
CAP2.TGZ 25-Oct-1998 00:00 1.0MAPL -ohjelmointikieli Linuxille. APL on tulkattava korkean tason ohjelmointikieli, jolla on kehitetty suuriakin ohjelmistoja. Kieli on kehitetty jo 60-luvulla ja edelleen vahvasti elossa ( vrt.IBM APL-2 jne...)
CAP2DOS.TGZ 25-Oct-1998 00:00 272KAPL -ohjelmointikieli dossiin
CAP_MAN.PS 25-Oct-1998 00:00 524Kcap2.tgz ja cap2dos.tgz -fileihin liittyvä manuaali postscript -muodossa MUTTA pakattuna ja tarrattuna
CCHJELP.ZIP 31-Oct-1994 00:00 16KThis is a list of a few C and C++ language tutorials available to a user. This list includes interactive tutorials, public-domain code collections, books etc. You can also receive the latest version via electronic mail by e-mailing the author. To: Subject: SEND LEARN C/C++ TODAY LIST Body: ignored. Can be blank.
CODE.ARJ 08-Jan-1994 00:00 46KSource code to Malorean effect demos
CODE.ZIP 08-Nov-1988 00:00 5.1Klost+found
CRYPT115.ZIP 15-Jan-1995 00:00 4.6KÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º E C L I P S E presents º º º º ÚÄÄCRYPT Version 1.15ÄÄ¿ º º ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ º º º º ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ º º ³The ultimate protector³ º º ³for S-Ice and Turbo ³ º º ³Debugger. ³ º º ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ º º º º Released 02th Jan 1995 º º Requires a 386 processor º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ
CS.BAS 12-Nov-1994 00:35 421 Visa kortin numeron tarkistava .BAS source.
CT_VOICE.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 11KCT-Voice driver for Pascal
CUBE3D.ARJ 07-Jul-1994 00:00 5.6KA 3d cube for TP
DATACMP1.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 138KData compression example files 1/2
DATACMP2.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 355KData compression example files 2/2
DB4_RTL1.ZIP 09-Feb-1995 00:00 969KBorland DBASE IV 2.0 Compiler v1.0 runtime library. Includes DBASE printer driver files in DRIVERS.EXE.
DBVGAL15.ZIP 06-Jan-1992 00:00 88Klost+found
DDJ0392.ZIP 24-Jan-1992 00:00 683KDr. Dobbs journal 03/92
DDJ9304.ZIP 18-Apr-1993 00:00 232KDr Journal 04/93
DEBUGCOL.ARJ 05-Feb-1994 00:00 17KHow to protect your code agains debugging.
DESQCOMM.ZIP 26-Sep-1994 00:00 8.2KQOS Technote: Communications under desqviewlss
DIS86224.ZIP 24-Sep-1994 00:00 70KDisassembler for 8086/286/386 programs
DISK1.ZIP 06-Jan-1993 00:00 208KSDK for ProAudio Spectrum 16 1/2
DISK2.ZIP 06-Jan-1993 00:00 385KSDK for ProAudio Spectrum 16 2/2
DMA-SB.ZIP 17-Oct-1993 00:00 2.4KDMA trasfers to SB.
DMPPRG21.ZIP 03-Jun-1994 00:00 43KDisassembler for DOS/Win3 Programs
DOOMSCRL.ZIP 19-Feb-1994 00:00 52KDemo of smooth scrolling
DOSREF30.ZIP 25-May-1993 00:00 286KProgrammer's Technical Reference v3.0
DOSREF34.ZIP 24-Nov-1994 00:00 285KProgrammer's Technical Reference - your complete source for programming IBM computers running MSDOS. Hardware, BIOS, DOS, and third party applications are covered.
DPMISPEC.ZIP 27-Apr-1991 00:00 68KMicrosoft DPMI (DOS Protected Mode) 0.9 specs
DXF_SPEC.ZIP 21-Sep-1993 00:00 24Kzip autocad Drawing Interchange (DXF) file format specification
DXLIB41.ZIP 23-Mar-1994 00:00 217KTechniLib DOS Extender 4.1 (MSC, BC) XLIB is a library of procedures which can greatly simplify protected mode programming under DOS. XLIB provides the simplest and most reliable method for accessing extended memory from real mode languages. A tutorial on protected mode is included. XLIB procedures handle mode switching, extended memory, memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and files. XLIB also handles CPU exceptions and performs
EGAVGATA.ZIP 25-Jul-1988 00:00 249Kega/vga docs.
EUPHOR15.ZIP 30-May-1997 00:00 391KEuphoria Programming Language v1.5a Public Domain Edition for DOS/Windows. Simple, flexible, powerful and easy to learn. 10-20x faster than Microsoft QBasic. No 640k limit. Complete Reference Manual. 15,000 lines of free source code, including full-screen editor with color syntax highlighting. Makes .EXE files. Supports Windows 95 long filenames.
EXEC-2-C.ZIP 13-Nov-1993 00:00 251KConverts EXE-File to Sourcecode
FCDUPACK.ZIP 25-Jul-1993 00:00 8.7KUnpack FC demos
FD-VGA-1.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 15Klost+found
FD-VGA-3.ZIP 07-Jun-1992 00:00 92Klost+found
FJUT.ARJ 12-May-1994 00:00 8.8KSimFuture pelin Basic sorsat.
FLI.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 95Klost+found
FORMATS.ZIP 06-Jun-1992 00:00 165Klost+found
FOSCOM12.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 21KFossil and communication exemplares for Tp
FRASR181.ZIP 06-May-1993 00:00 854KSources for Fractint v18.1
FREEAPL.EXE 21-Apr-1995 00:00 220KAPL 'A Programming Language' on korkean (!) tason ohjelmointikieli jolla on toteutettu hyvin suuriakin järjestelmiä tää on free ja windows 16bit
FREE_APL.ZIP 08-Nov-1995 00:00 220KAPL ohjelmointikieli W16:sta = free ! APL on korkean tason ohjelmointikieli jolla on toteutettu suuriakin järjestelmiä. Tukee ODBC kantoja yms.yms.
FULLR_1.ZIP 15-Mar-1994 00:00 20KSource: Full Screen Rotation and scaling.
GCGPE10.ZIP 10-May-1994 00:00 702KProgrammers Encyclopedia
GDM01.ZIP 21-Aug-1993 00:00 400KGAME DEVELOPERS MAGAZINE - Issue 1
GFXFX.ZIP 22-Jun-1994 00:00 146KAll sources by Bas van Gaalen, 2:285/213.8 This package includes a great deal of sources concerning graphics. Some major topics you can find in here: - 3d rotating - polygon filling - all sorts of scrolls - mouse routines - picture packing/displaying routines - mode-x routines - some large memory routines (see scape2.pas) - your basic plasma's - stars-sources (several) - fractals - sprites etc... Check comments in top or
GFXFX2.ZIP 14-Feb-1995 00:00 393KGFXFX2. Collection of graphics based sources. Made by Bas van Gaalen. Major topics: 3d rotation, Polygons (triple and quad), Flat-Shading, Gouraud Shading, Texture Mapping, Hidden face removal, Mode-X, Mode-12h, Mode 13h, Coppers, Fractals, Game techniques, Demo coding, Mouse routines, Palette routines, Plasma's, File-Format viewer: GIF, PCX, BMP, LBM, RIX and CEL, Scaling, Ten (10) different scrolls (horizontal, vertical, hardware, text, graphics, etc.), Sprites (normal, transparent), Voxel space, cross-fading, and more...
GIF-DOC.ZIP 25-Nov-1990 00:00 33KGif documentation
GIF87A.ZIP 10-Aug-1990 00:00 10KGraphics Interchange Format (GIF) specification
GIF89A.ZIP 10-Aug-1990 00:00 20Kgif89a specification
GIFINFO.ZIP 02-Jun-1994 00:00 40KInformation about GIF-format
GLFORMAT.ZIP 15-Mar-1991 00:00 11KGRASP animation file format specification 19 Jan 1991
GMSRC211.ZIP 08-Mar-1994 00:00 83KSource code for GUSMOD 2.11 by Cyberstrike
GP70.ZIP 08-Dec-1992 00:00 5.0KUpdate to Goldplay v1.0: Now works with TP7
GRAF1NEW.ZIP 28-Feb-1997 00:00 10KVGA ohjelmonti - Perus-käsitteet
GRAF2.ZIP 28-Feb-1997 00:00 4.4KACROBAT - VGA ohjelmointi Virtuaali näy- töt ja spritet By the ACROBAT
GRAF3.ZIP 17-Jan-1997 00:00 14K- ACROBAT - VGA ohjelmointi Liikkuvat spri- tet virtuaali näytössä By the ACROBAT
HELPPC.ZIP 08-Jul-1995 00:00 258KTSR-help for coders
HELPPC21.ZIP 08-Mar-1994 00:00 247KHelp PC v2.1 for DOS programmers to solve a lots of problems with PC computer.
HIEW418.ZIP 03-Jan-1994 00:00 47KHacker's Viewer v4.18. Disassembler.
HIIRIBAS.ZIP 17-Jan-1994 00:00 5.8KSource for Basic: Mouse support. Suomeksi.
IDA2_05.ZIP 17-Mar-1994 00:00 388KTrue Interactive Disassembler which allows you to explore and modify even compressed executable files !
INCPRO3.ZIP 01-Dec-1996 00:00 6.9KINC-Pro III is back for the final time, now converting binary to ASM, C/C++, GEMA, QuickBasic and Pascal! Supports datalabels and extensions, 100_ Australian... - - By kelewan '96
INCSRC.ZIP 27-Sep-1992 00:00 126Klost+found
INT08.LZH 18-Jun-1992 00:00 1.8Klost+found
INTER46A.ZIP 04-Jun-1995 00:00 353KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 46 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7050 entries (plus more than 2600 tables) in inter45a to inter45d, and conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter45e.
INTER46B.ZIP 04-Jun-1995 00:00 351KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 46 A
INTER46C.ZIP 04-Jun-1995 00:00 353KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 46 A
INTER46D.ZIP 04-Jun-1995 00:00 98KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 46 A
INTER46E.ZIP 03-Jun-1995 00:00 330KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 46 A
INTER46F.ZIP 03-Jun-1995 00:00 161KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 46 A
INTER47A.ZIP 13-Aug-1995 00:00 351KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains some 7400 entries (plus more than 2700 tables) in inter47a to inter47d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER47B.ZIP 13-Aug-1995 00:00 352KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47 B
INTER47C.ZIP 13-Aug-1995 00:00 353KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47 C
INTER47D.ZIP 13-Aug-1995 00:00 140KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47 D
INTER47E.ZIP 13-Aug-1995 00:00 336KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47 E
INTER49A.ZIP 10-Feb-1996 00:00 353KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 49 A
INTER49B.ZIP 11-Feb-1996 00:00 353KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 49 A
INTER49C.ZIP 11-Feb-1996 00:00 353KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 49 A
INTER49D.ZIP 11-Feb-1996 00:00 257KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 49 A
INTER49E.ZIP 10-Feb-1996 00:00 343KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 49 A
INTER49F.ZIP 10-Feb-1996 00:00 162KMSDOS Interrupt List, Release 49 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented.
INTER54A.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 352Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A
INTER54B.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 353Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A
INTER54C.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 354Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A
INTER54D.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 462Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A
INTER54E.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 253Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A
INTER54F.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 214Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A
INTER54G.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 308Kx86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 54 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 8400 entries (plus some 3600 tables)
INTER54Z.ZIP 29-Jun-1997 00:00 13KHC?? phrases file (WINHELP compression info) for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List release 54.
INTST112.ZIP 29-Jan-1995 00:00 17KINTerrupt teST for loading and testing interrupts & APIs. Written in assembly.
IPXSTART.ZIP 09-Jan-1995 00:00 57KInformation about IPX network programming.
JFIF102.ZIP 09-Sep-1992 00:00 27KJPEG File Interchange Format 1.02 - text and PS
JOYSDK11.ZIP 09-Jul-1993 00:00 198KGravis: Joystick software developers kit v1.1
KRNLKB.ZIP 17-Nov-1993 00:00 172KKnowledge Base for Windows SDK Kernel topics
KWIKZONE.ZIP 02-Jun-1993 00:00 9.0KMS Visual Basic sample code for file I/O
LIB_INFO.ZIP 15-Nov-1993 00:00 5.2KMicrosoft library (.LIB) format
LINES.ZIP 19-May-1993 00:00 1.1KLine-Procedure for TP (320 * 200 * 256) by IF
LISP1.ZIP 20-Feb-1984 00:00 62KLISP-ohjelmointikieli PC:lle.
LIST2501.LZH 29-Jan-1997 00:00 21Kpmode10s PMODE/DJ V1.0 source distribution (C) pmode
LXEXE.ZIP 23-Jan-1993 00:00 20KLinear executable Module Format Description - 3 June 1992
LZANIM2.ZIP 13-Jul-1996 00:00 258KLZA animation file format description. + util Package contains: - Description of the LZA v2 format. - An LZA animation player. - A FLI/FLC to LZA converter. - An example LZA file
MARSINFO.ZIP 03-Mar-1994 00:00 3.1KMars10 info
MASS-FRM.ZIP 27-Mar-1995 00:00 8.4KM A S S i V E presents M A S S i V E ' S Flat Real Mode The easiest and fastest mode for demo coding on your PC! Flat 4 GB memory!! Faster as PMODE! Cooperates with all Real Mode routines! Examples included!! By NiX / massive
MDSS040A.ZIP 27-Apr-1995 00:00 1.3MMIDAS Sound System v0.40 Revision a A multi-channel digital sound and music system for C, Pascal and Assembler programmers. Supports GUS, PAS, SB, WSS and no sound, plays MOD, S3M and MTM modules. Can be used with Borland and Watcom C (16-bit), Borland Pascal 7 and now also with pure assembler. FULL SOURCE CODE INCLUDED! Now also all libraries included in compiled form. (Extract with subdirectories)
MIDISTUF.ZIP 01-Jan-1995 00:00 45KStandard MIDI File Format - info (.MID), specs (1.1), utils
MIDP100B.ZIP 28-Apr-1995 00:00 63KMIDAS Module Player v1.00 Revision B 1-32 channel module player for GUS, SB (Pro,16), PAS (Plus, 16) and Windows Sound System. Plays Protracker, Scream Tracker 3 and Multitracker modules with 1-32 channels. The most Protracker and Scream Tracker 3 compatible player on PC!
MODRAK.TXT 23-Jun-1992 00:00 4.5Klost+found
MODULA2.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 189KModula-2 compiler by Fitted Software Tools
MPCFILES.ZIP 08-Jun-1992 00:00 60Klost+found
MPUNIT.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 8.7Klost+found
MUSFMT10.ZIP 02-May-1994 00:00 168Kcomputer music formats coll 1.0 - mods (17), general MIDI, ROL
MUS_FORM.ZIP 14-Apr-1996 00:00 5.9KMUS file format 1.31 (Doom/Heretic) - see (music)
MWEAK09.ZIP 30-May-1992 00:00 32Klost+found
NISTINFO.ZIP 19-Jul-1993 00:00 4.3KNIST SPHERE Headers Structure
N_151_SR.ZIP 06-Jan-1998 00:00 116KNotify CD player sources v1.51
OMF.ZIP 26-Apr-1993 00:00 78KIBM OS/2 16/32 bit Object Module Format (OMF) introduction
OMSRC802.ZIP 17-Jan-1997 00:00 338KOmegas source code
OVER1400 01-Jan-1990 00:00 748KGeneral
PAL-ROUN.ZIP 23-Dec-1993 00:00 1.5KPalette rounding
PAS_HSC.ZIP 19-Mar-1994 00:00 56KHow to use Chicken's HscOBJ with TP / BP.
PATCH10A.ZIP 19-May-1994 00:00 1.1KPC Games Programmers Encyclopedia version v1. Patch File A. Patches PC GPE v1.0 -> v1.0a.
PCDEMOV2.ZIP 17-Jan-1997 00:00 53KPC DEMO FAQ V2.0
PCGPE.ZIP 29-Oct-1995 00:00 739KPc game programmers encyclopedia
PCX2CSRC.ZIP 10-Jul-1994 00:00 31KPCX to C++ Source code converter.
PDS_FORM.ZIP 28-Jan-1995 00:00 2.1KPortable Data Specification (PDS) Image Format (overview)
PLUSDEMO.ZIP 08-Dec-1995 00:00 342KAPL+ -ohjelmointikielen demo jonka mukana on hyvät doccarit uudenpaan APL-SE:nkin. APL on hyvin monipuolinen ohjelmointiväline; lue APLSE.TXT !!
PMC08B.ZIP 23-Jun-1994 00:00 116KPMC 0.8b pre-release. 32bit extender for BC4
PMCSTD01.ZIP 02-Nov-1995 00:00 10KSTDLIB32 for Trans PMC
PMODE10B.ZIP 29-Jun-1996 00:00 29Kpmode10b PMODE/DJ V1.0 binary distribution
PMODE10S.ZIP 16-Jun-1996 00:00 49Kpmode10s PMODE/DJ V1.0 source distribution
PMTUT002.ZIP 04-Oct-1995 00:00 30KCPUMODES (draft) and Protected Mode Tutorial v0.02
PMW102.ZIP 04-Dec-1994 00:00 58KÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ PMODE/W v1.02 DOS Extender ³ ³ Replaces DOS/4GW in Watcom C/C++ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Features: ³ ³ ) Extender size less than 8k. ³ ³ ) Extender is internal to the EXE. ³ ³ ) 100_ compatible with Watcom C. ³ ³ ) Fast execution. ³ ³ ) Free for non-commercial use. ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ;
PMWFX099.ZIP 27-Sep-1995 00:00 5.0KException handler for PMODE/W. Catches PMODE/W -fix v0.99 Exception dump Returns to DOS Sahara Surfers
POL_PS.ZIP 27-Apr-1995 00:00 17KPOL 3d file format specification - for polygonal models (6p)
PPS10.ZIP 25-Apr-1992 00:00 78Klost+found
PREXCM40.ZIP 29-Oct-1993 00:00 22KProtect! EXE/COM v.4.0+ - Encrypts & protects your EXE/COM files.
PT23MOD.ZIP 25-Mar-1993 00:00 10KAmiga ProTracker 2.3 Module format - the 4ch MOD (music)
PTMFORM.ZIP 29-May-1995 00:00 8.8KPoly Tracker Module format - version 2.03 Poly Tracker Module v2.03 format This document describes the format of the Poly Tracker Module (PTM) files created by Lone Ranger / AcmE's Poly Tracker. Document written by JAL / Notsalgia
PTT001.ZIP 15-Dec-1996 00:00 40KPROGRAMMING TIPS & TRICKS Issue 001 a FREE Digital Magazine for low-level programming in Assembler, Pascal, and 'C'. Edited by Tenie Remmel.
PTT002.ZIP 01-Feb-1997 00:00 80KPROGRAMMING TIPS & TRICKS Issue 002 a FREE Digital Magazine for low-level programming in Assembler, Pascal, and 'C'. Edited by Tenie Remmel.
PTT003.ZIP 01-Mar-1997 00:00 99KPROGRAMMING TIPS & TRICKS Issue 003 a FREE Digital Magazine for low-level programming in Assembler, Pascal, and 'C'. Edited by Tenie Remmel.
PVIEW352.ZIP 13-Oct-1993 00:00 160KProgram View. Show you the code programs. Hex, Dump, Ascii, Assembler modes.
PWAPROG.ZIP 05-Jan-1995 00:00 8.1KJoin the PWA Programming Team!. We're now accepting applications for all types of programmers!
QLIB121.ZIP 28-Sep-1996 00:00 288Kzip QLIB v1.21 (dos32 SDK)
QWK_15.ZIP 09-Jan-1995 00:00 16KQWK Mail Packet File Layout 1.5
REALCNVT.ZIP 10-Apr-1995 00:00 8.3KSet of conversion routines to convert between various real number formats provided by C, QBasic and TurboPascal. D.W.Terry/88/PD
REALMEM.ZIP 30-Jan-1994 00:00 11KÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Read about how to use over 64KB segments and extended memory in REAL-MODE þ Address 4GB of memory under DOS! þ
REXL211A.ZIP 17-Aug-1992 00:00 338KRExL v2.11 Disk 1/2 - EXE's and help. 4GL with dBase database & full indexing, a screen and forms designer, a folding text editor, debugger and executable file generator. Its own language (like BASIC) is implemented over a rule based framework. The full screen debugger has step, trace, watch, evaluate, animate & breakpoints. ($75+p&p)
REXL211B.ZIP 17-Aug-1992 00:00 334KRExL v2.11 Disk 2/2 - EXEs/docs/exmpls 4GL with dBase database & full indexing, a screen and forms designer, a folding text editor, debugger and executable file generator. Its own language (like BASIC) is implemented over a rule based framework. The full screen debugger has step, trace, watch, evaluate, animate & breakpoints. ($75+p&p)
RIFFWAVE.ZIP 19-May-1992 00:00 6.3KRIFF WAVE (.wav) file format
RTFSPEC.ZIP 31-Mar-1994 00:00 22KRich-Text Format (RTF) specification 1.0 by Microsoft
S3M_FORM.ZIP 06-Dec-1994 00:00 6.6KS3M File Format and Mixing Info - Scream Tracker 3.20 (music)
SB-DMA.ZIP 16-Feb-1992 00:00 8.5KSourceja SB:n DMA:han
SBABACUS.ZIP 16-Dec-1994 00:00 681KAbacus SoundBlaster BOOK Companion Diskette (c) DataBecker This file contains files and source of the SB-BOOK by ULTRAFORCE. Batch # 021203-0196 Disk 1/1
SBC_TP06.ZIP 25-Aug-1993 00:00 100KSound Blaster kit with PASCAL
SBF.ARJ 16-Nov-1992 00:00 243Klost+found
SBLAST09.ZIP 29-Jan-1995 00:00 491KSoundBlaster Programming information 0.9
SCK-V203.ZIP 26-Mar-1995 00:00 10KSVGA driver for YOUR productions! v 2.03 [kp]====United Hungarian Scene
SECDR13A.ZIP 30-Jan-1994 00:00 96KVGA PRogramming EngineVGA PRogrammi
SETEXT.ZIP 10-Jan-1995 00:00 6.4KStructure Enhanced (setext) text specification - August 1992
SKBLO1_1.ZIP 14-Mar-1994 00:00 80K1994(C)MikeSoft Sketch Block ver.1.1 Sketch Block on basic ohjelmoitsijalle tarkoitettu grafiikkaty”kalu.
SNDFMT.ZIP 08-Jun-1995 00:00 235KComputer Music File Formats Collection 1.0 - 17 formats
SOUNDEFF.ZIP 18-Jan-1994 00:00 1.6KSome soundeffects for TP useing the beeper
SPWNO411.ZIP 02-May-1992 00:00 93Klost+found
SS0288.ZIP 01-Jun-1992 00:00 57KOBJ - Relocatable Object Module Format by Microsoft
STREAM11.ZIP 31-Mar-1992 00:00 27Klost+found
SVGABG40.ZIP 25-Jun-1992 00:00 53KSvga BGI
SVGAPB21.ZIP 09-May-1994 00:00 236KSVGAPB.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics library for SP PowerBASIC.
SVGAPV21.ZIP 09-May-1994 00:00 225KSVGAPV.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics library for MS PDS/VBDOS.
SWAG.ZIP 31-May-1996 00:00 319KSWAG READER v3.13 SWAG (Sourceware Archival Group) file reader. EXE needed to read SWAG packets. SWAG packets are available in separate archives, SWAGA-C,SWAGD-F,SWAGG-M,SWAGN-R,SWAGS-Z. You WILL need this program to read these files. Released 05/31/96.
SWAG9605.ZIP 31-May-1996 00:00 1.1MNEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/31/96. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.13 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Contains 58 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date.
SWAGWIN.ZIP 31-May-1996 00:00 417KSWAG for WINDOWS version 1.04. WINDOWS version READER program for .SWG files. Includes WINDOWS help file and SETUP program. Compatible with WINDOWS 3.x or WINDOWS 95. Extract the archive to a temporary directory, and execute SETUP from the WINDOWS program manager or Explorer. (c) 1996 GDSOFT
SWG2TXT.ZIP 17-Mar-1994 00:00 7.5KSwag 2 TextFile Converter 1.0
SWMP141.ZIP 12-Dec-1995 00:00 651KSound Wizards Module Player V1.41 Excellent Module Player including software developerkit
TDE20.ZIP 05-Jun-1992 00:00 274KTDE 2.0. Excellent (programmer's) text editor
TECHFUN.ZIP 23-May-1995 00:00 32KPresents... TechnoFun source code
TECHREF.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 182KSome technical info about PC...
TEXMAP.ZIP 25-Feb-1995 00:00 236KTexture mapping basic principles (Postscript)
TEXT_ENG.ZIP 20-Apr-1994 00:00 227KTEXTURE.C Maps bitmap into _ANY_ 4-sided polygon. Bonus code: Sphere/globe-like code WATCOM C/C++ and DJGPP source/binaries
THEPRN14.ARJ 08-Mar-1994 00:00 97KTHE PRINTER 1.4 * Programmer's database of of printer codes for HUNDREDS of printers!
TIFFJPEG.ZIP 17-Mar-1995 00:00 13KDraft TIFF 6.0 Tech Note #2 - JPEG in TIFF specification
TIFF_40.ZIP 04-Jul-1994 00:00 12KTagged Image File Format (TIFF) 4.0 specification
TIFF_50.ZIP 07-Feb-1990 00:00 49KTagged Image File Format (TIFF) 5.0 specification
TIFF_F.ZIP 23-Apr-1991 00:00 7.1KTIFF Class F specification
TRACE220.ZIP 22-Jan-1995 00:00 66KTrace is a system utility that produces a listing of the MS-DOS requests made by a process. It is a useful debugging tool that can be used on any executable program. Trace can also be used to provide a better understanding of the internal workings of many programs.
TUC_TD10.ZIP 16-Mar-1994 00:00 54KTuc_demo unit v1.0b - TP/BP v4.0
TURING10.ZIP 27-Mar-1995 00:00 116KT Interpreter T is an easy to learn, user friendly, high level, computer programming language. If you already know how to program in another language, T should be easy to master. The interpreter includes built-in debugging tools, an editor, and an on-line language reference program. It can be operated from any IBM PC compatible computer.
TUT01NEW.ZIP 21-Oct-1994 00:00 16KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 1: The Basics By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now! ploaded by: Tiedosto
TUT02NEW.ZIP 29-Nov-1994 00:00 37KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 2: The Evil Pallette By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT03NEW.ZIP 07-Dec-1994 00:00 37KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 3: Circle and Line Algorithms By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT04NEW.ZIP 23-Dec-1994 00:00 20KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 4: Virtual Screens By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT05NEW.ZIP 28-Dec-1994 00:00 27KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 5: Scrollers! By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT06NEW.ZIP 04-Jan-1995 00:00 34KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 6: Pregenerated Arrays! By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT07NEW.ZIP 06-Jan-1995 00:00 37KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 7: Animation! (uh oh! inline Assembler!) By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT08NEW.ZIP 14-Jan-1995 00:00 42KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 8: 3d Basics! By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT09NEW.ZIP 21-Jan-1995 00:00 43KThe ASPHYXIA VGA DEMO TRAINER SERIES! Part 9: Polygons! By Denthor of ASPHYXIA Updated by Snowman Documentation on how to code demo like effects in Pascal or C++! Full Pascal and C++ source included! Get it now!
TUT1-9.ZIP 14-Jan-1994 00:00 95K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in TP6/7! ö ö ö öFull Pascal source included!ö ö ö ö From putting a pixel ö ö to sprites and animation ö ö to wireframe 3D to solid ö
TUT1NEW.ZIP 21-Oct-1994 00:00 16K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 1: The Basics ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal and C++ ö ö source included! ö
TUT2NEW.ZIP 29-Nov-1994 00:00 36K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 2: The Evil Pallette ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal and C++ ö ö source included! ö
TUT3NEW.ZIP 07-Dec-1994 00:00 39K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 3: Circle and Line ö ö Algorithms ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal and C++ ö
TUT4NEW.ZIP 23-Dec-1994 00:00 20K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 4: Virtual Screens ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal and C++ ö ö source included! ö
TUT5NEW.ZIP 28-Dec-1994 00:00 27K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 5: Scrollers! ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal and C++ ö ö source included! ö
TUT9NEW.ZIP 21-Jan-1995 00:00 43K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 9: Polygons! ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal and C++ ö ö source included! ö
TUT10.ZIP 05-Apr-1994 00:00 10KAsphynxia demo trainer series
TUT10NEW.ZIP 22-Jan-1995 00:00 45K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 10: Chain-4! ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö Updated by Snowman ö ö ö ö With interaction between ö ö Denthor and Snowman! ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal or C++! ö
TUT11.ZIP 25-Apr-1994 00:00 15KAsphynxia demo trainer series
TUT13.ZIP 23-Jul-1994 00:00 9.9KASPHYXIA VGA/DEMO CODE
TUT15.ZIP 16-Sep-1994 00:00 7.8KASPHYXIA VGA/DEMO CODE
TUT17.ZIP 19-Jan-1995 00:00 23KÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ The VGA Trainer Program ³ ³ by DENTHOR of ASPHYXIA ³ ³ Part 17, Pixel Morphs & Static ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ19/1/95;
TUT18.ZIP 28-Jan-1995 00:00 61K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 18: File Packing & PCXö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal ö ö source included! ö ö ö
TUT19.ZIP 21-Feb-1995 00:00 15K+----------------------------+ ö The ASPHYXIA VGA ö ö DEMO TRAINER SERIES! ö ö ö ö Part 19: Assembler & Fire ö ö ö ö By Denthor of ASPHYXIA ö ö ö ö Documentation on how ö ö to code demo like effects ö ö in Pascal! ö ö ö ö Full Pascal ö ö source included! ö ö ö
TWEAK16B.ZIP 07-Jun-1993 00:00 179KUseful info about tweak modes !
ULTFORM.ZIP 17-Aug-1993 00:00 3.3KUltra Tracker 1.3 file format by Freejack (music)
ULTRADOX.ZIP 21-Dec-1992 00:00 12KGravis ultrasound documentation
UMDOC.ZIP 14-Jul-1993 00:00 56KUltraMID Programmers reference guide!
UNITRK.ZIP 24-Jan-1995 00:00 4.9KThe UNITRK(tm) Format - MikMod music library file format
USERKB.ZIP 17-Nov-1993 00:00 492KKnowledge Base for Windows SDK User topics
VB4CTRLS.ZIP 09-Nov-1991 00:00 26KSisältää 4 vbx:sää (VB:n controlleja) label3d.vbx, Hmeter/Vneter...
VECPAS.ZIP 18-Jun-1993 00:00 10KSource Code to make vektors with Turbo Pascal
VECT3DR.ZIP 04-Jun-1992 00:00 63KGreat vector + vectordot routines (BAS/ASM)
VECTBALL.ZIP 11-Jan-1994 00:00 38KVektoripalloja + sorsat.
VECTIS.ZIP 12-Jun-1993 00:00 8.1KOhjaa vektoriautoa (TP sorsa)
VGA1.DOC 29-Jun-1992 00:00 12Klost+found
VGADOC01.ARJ 17-May-1992 00:00 71KVga document
VGADOC3.ZIP 18-Jan-1994 00:00 291KVGA programming documents #3.
VGAINTR2.ZIP 10-Jan-1992 00:00 77Klost+found
VGAKIT41.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 43KVGAKIT for VGA/SVGA grafix
VGAKIT50.ZIP 25-Jun-1992 00:00 43Klost+found
VGAKIT52.ZIP 21-Oct-1992 00:00 62Klost+found
VGAREGS.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 101KVga registers
VIEWS10.ZIP 04-May-1993 00:00 241KWindow system for Turbo Pascal.
VOCFORM2.ZIP 10-Mar-1991 00:00 2.7K2 files about VOC file format
VTSRC10B.ZIP 13-Dec-1992 00:00 287KVangelis traker sources. Mod player
WASP-FG1.ZIP 11-Jan-1994 00:00 695KGraphics Lib for C, Pascal & Basic. 1/3
WASP-FG2.ZIP 11-Jan-1994 00:00 685KGraphics Lib for C, Pascal & Basic. 2/3
WASP-FG3.ZIP 11-Jan-1994 00:00 395KGraphics Lib for C, Pascal & Basic. 3/3
WDASM16.ZIP 02-Apr-1993 00:00 122KA disassembler for Windows!!
WGTTUT1.ZIP 08-Oct-1994 00:00 15KWGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #1
WGTTUT2.ZIP 13-Oct-1994 00:00 46KWGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #2 Topic: Shaded Polygons Learn how to draw shaded polygons in C language from the author of the WordUp Graphics Toolkit.
WGTTUT3.ZIP 09-Dec-1994 00:00 138KWGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #3 Topic: Texture Mapped Polygons Learn how to draw texture mapped polygons in C/ASM language from the author of the WordUp Graphics Toolkit.
WIN31API.ZIP 23-Jun-1992 00:00 31KWindows 3.1 API calls for Visual Basic.
WOLFSRC.ZIP 17-Jan-1997 00:00 565KSource Code for Id's Wolfenstein 3d
WWIV320B.ZIP 30-Jan-1993 00:00 106KModem handling with TP
XLIB06.ZIP 13-Oct-1993 00:00 308KMode X library
XMODEM.ZIP 06-Mar-1996 00:00 6.7KX-Modem, X-Modem 1k, X-Modem CRC file format descriptions
XMOD_DLP.ZIP 29-Jun-1992 00:00 13KDLP XModem sources. DLPs are external protos for Procomm Windows.
XM_FORM.ZIP 08-Jun-1995 00:00 3.7KXM module format version $0104 by Mr. H of Triton (music)
XRAY.ZIP 13-Sep-1992 00:00 15Klost+found
XSHARP.ZIP 06-Jan-1992 00:00 45Klost+found
ZAKTEXT.ZIP 08-Jul-1993 00:00 10KSmall texteditor made with Pascal
ZED3D032.ZIP 11-Feb-1995 00:00 347KA tutorial for 2d and 3d vector and texture mapped graphics Version 0.32b